Advanced Spark for Developers

Advanced Spark for Developers

The Advanced Spark for Developers Course will help trainees get a proper understanding of the internal structure and functioning of Apache Spark – Spark Core (RDD), Spark SQL and Spark Streaming.

28 hours
Course type
28 hours
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb
Advanced Spark for Developers
28 hours
€ 700 *
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb


This course will help trainees get a proper understanding of the internal structure and functioning of Apache Spark – Spark Core (RDD), Spark SQL, Spark Streaming and Spark Structured Streaming. We will discuss the mechanisms of running Spark cluster components under control of various cluster managers, resource allocation management, and scheduler operation mechanisms. It will focus on advantages of the Tungsten format of internal view and Catalyst optimizer.

Po ukończeniu kursu na formularzu Luxoft Training
wydawany jest certyfikat


  • Understand Spark’s internal structure
  • Understand the deployment, configuration and execution of Spark components on various clusters (Standalone, YARN, Mesos)
  • Optimize RDD-based Spark jobs
  • Optimize Spark SQL jobs
  • Optimize Microbatch and Structured Streaming jobs

Target Audience

  • Developers
  • Architects


Development experience in Java or Scala for Apache Spark over 3 months.


Module 0 - Scala in one day

1. Examine Scala features used in the Spark framework

2. Theory:

1. var and val, val (x, x), lazy val, transient lazy val

2. type and Type, (Nil, None, Null => null, Nothing, Unit => (), Any, AnyRef, AnyVal, String, interpolation

3. class, object (case), abstract class, trait

4. Scala function, methods, lambda

5. Generic, ClassTag, covariant, contravariant, invariant position, F[_], *

6. Pattern matching and if then else construction

7. Mutable and Immutable collection, Iterator, collection operation

8. Monads (Option, Either, Try, Future, ....), Try().recovery

9. map, flatMap, foreach, for comprehension

10. Implicits, private[sql], package

11. Scala sbt, assembly

12. Encoder, Product

13. Scala libs for Spark: scopt, chimney, jsoniter

Module 1 – RDD

1. Theory RDD api:

1. RDD creating api: from array, from file. from DS

2. RDD base operations: map, flatMap, filter, reduceByKey, sort

3. Time parse libs

2. Theory RDD under the hood:

1. Iterator + mapPartitions()

2. RDD creating path: compute() and getPartitions()

3. Partitions

4. Partitioner: Hash and Range

5. Dependencies: wide and narrow

6. Joins: inner, cogroup, join without shuffle

7. Query Plan

Module 2 - DataFrame & DataSet, Spark DSL & Spark SQL

1. Theory DataFrame, DataSet api:

1. Creating DataFrame: memory from file (HDFS, S3, FS) (Avro, Orc, Parquet)

2. Spark DSL: Join broadcast, grouped operations

3. Spark SQL: Window functions, single partitions

4. Scala UDF problem-solving

5. Spark catalog

2. Recreate code using plans

1. Catalyst Optimiser: Logical & Physical plans

2. Codegen

3. Persist vs Cache vs Checkpoint

4. Creating DataFrame Path

5. Raw vs InternalRaw

Module 3 - Spark optimization

1. Compare speed, size RDD, DataFrame, DataSet

2. Compare crimes counting: SortMerge Join, BroadCast, BlumFilter

3. Resolve problems with a skewed join

4. Build UDF for Python and Scala

5. UDF Problems

Module 4 - External and Connectors

1. How to read/write data from file storages (HDFS, S3, FTP, FS)

2. What data format to choose (Json, CSV, Avro, Orc, Parquet, Delta, ... )

3. How to parallelize reading/writing to JDBC

4. How to create dataframe from MPP (Cassandra, vertica, gp)

5. How to work with Kafka

6. How to write your own connectors

7. Write UDF for joining with cassandra

Module 5 – Testing

1. Write a test for data marts written in module (Exercise: find popular time for orders, find the most popular boroughs for orders, find distance distribution for orders grouped by boroughs)

2. Theory:

1. Unit testing

2. Code review

3. QA

4. CI/CD

5. Problems

6. Libs which solve these problems

Module 6 - Spark Cluster

1. Build config with allocation

2. Compare several workers

3. Dynamic Resource Allocation

4. Manual managing executors runtime

Module 7 - Spark streaming

1. [Solve problem with Cassandra writing](src/main/scala/mod4connectors/DataSetsWithCassandra.scala)

2. Build Spark Structure Reading Kafka

3. Build Spark Structure Using State

4. Build Spark Structure Writing Cassandra

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